Merry Go Round
The “Early Years” specialists.. giving little people the best possible start in life.

Merry-go-round takes children from ages 9 months to 5 years. We have a fully inclusive environment and we care for ALL children, whatever their needs. Our high staff ratios enable us to do this well. Our staff really care for the children: it’s not just a job to them, it’s a passion, and that’s why they’re here. We have funded places available for 2 – 5 year olds. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. Our wonderful environment includes the very best furniture and resources available, and a lovely outdoor space which we enjoy in all weathers and seasons.

What Have We Done Today ?
About Us
Merry-go-round Nursery was established in 2016 by Busy Childcare LLP as a sister setting to its original Nursery, Barts Busy Bees. We are a caring, Community based, family run business, with our children, families and staff at its heart. We take children from 24 months old until August following their 5th birthday. This means that children can stay with us instead of attending a school nursery (aged 3-4), and sometimes even for their Reception year (aged 4-5). Doing this means that they will benefit from our far superior staffing levels (from 1 staff member to 4 – 8 children, rather than 1 staff member per 13 children in many school nurseries).
Contrary to popular belief, attending a school nursery does not give your child a better chance of being offered a place in the school, as that is decided solely by your Local Authority.
We pride ourselves on being able to offer EVERY child provision tailored to their individual needs.
Come Visit Us
Why not book a visit and see us in action. Alternatively, we have a number of open nights throughout the year and we can give you the full tour and answer all of the many questions you will undoubtedly have.
Our Pre-School.
Our Family.
Our Community
Merry-Go-Round and our sister nursery, Barts Busy Bees, are run to give your child the best possible preschool education, ensuring that they enjoy their time with us and have FUN learning about not only the curriculum, but about tolerance, community and empathy. We were set up by parents who realised that most local nurseries are run solely for profit, employing the youngest and therefore the cheapest staff possible. Our staff are a team and we do our utmost to ensure that they are a happy and enthusiastic team who love caring for and educating your children. We don’t employ on cost, but on the best fit and life experience. We are very lucky, we couldn’t ask for a better staff team.